
martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Teaching with Alice-Episode I

iTeach Inanimate Alice

Questions after the reading of episode 1

  1. What we know about Alice?
  2. Write down five things they would like to know about Alice.
  3. PREDICT what will happen in the story.  (What clues are there in the text?)
  4. Write down what you think you see in each of the photographs.
  5. What do the photographs tell us about the place where Alice is living?
  6. What do they tell us about the people her dad is working for?
  7. Who do you think the people in the photographs are?
  8. How do you think the photographs were taken?
  9. What do the moving images of the jeep tell you about the landscape?
  10. What do the colors in the moving images suggest to you?