
lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

5to y 6to -Crear un placemat- Tema ahorro de energía.Ciclo 4

El estudiante leerá la lectura Energy Vampires. Luego utilizando Microsoft Word 2007 y las herramientas de la cintas de HOME e Insert diseñarán un "placemat" con la información que oriente a las personas de cómo ahorrar energía.
La lectura estará en este blog.

What is energy?

Energy is many things.
Energy is light. Energy is heat.
Energy makes things move and grow.
Energy runs machines.
Energy is the power to change things.
Energy is the ability to do work.

Light is energy.

We use light to see.
During the day, much of our light comes from the sun.
At night, we turn on lights powered by electricity.
We can also burn candles.
Flashlights use the energy in batteries to make light.
Can you think of another way to make light?

Heat is energy.

We use energy to make heat.
We burn fuel to cook our food. The food
we eat helps our bodies stay warm.
When it is cold, we use energy to heat our
homes. Campfires make heat, too.
Factories burn fuel to make products.
Power plants burn coal to make electricity.
Have you ever cooked food on a campfire?

Energy makes things grow.

All living things need energy to grow.
Plants use light from the sun to grow. Plants change the sun’s light energy into sugars.
Plants use some of the sugars to grow. They store some of the sugars in their fruits,
leaves, stems, and roots. Plant sugars are full of energy.
Unlike plants, animals can’t change light energy into sugars. Neither can people.
We eat plants like corn and use the energy stored in them to grow and do work. What plants do
you like to eat?

Energy makes things move.

Look around you. Many things are moving.
We say they are in motion. Clouds drift across the sky.
Leaves fall from trees. Birds fly. Plants grow and so do you.
The earth moves. The air moves. Water moves. All living things move, too.
What things do you see moving right now?

Motion takes energy.
Nothing moves unless it has energy. Cars get their energy from gasoline. Clouds move because of wind energy. Wind gets its energy from the sun. Plants and animals get their energy from the sun, too.
Water moves from high places to low places, pulled by the force of gravity.
Gravity is the natural force of attraction between all objects in the universe.