Material educativo y trabajos realizados en la clase de computadora/ Computer Class Activities, tutorials and documents.
martes, 25 de agosto de 2009
lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009
Ciclo 6- Practica -Recopilación de lo aprendido.
- Cómo grabar en el fólder del desktop
- Cómo grabar en el USB
- Abrirán el programa de Microsoft Word 2007
- Escribirán el siguiente texto:
La energía es la luz y el calor. La energía hace que las cosas crezcan y se muevan. El calor es energía.Energía es la capacidad de realizar trabajos, fuerzas, movimientos. Hay muchos tipos de energía.
La energía Eólica se usa desde hace mucho tiempo. Se utiliza para:
1) Ir de un lugar a otro por el agua en barcos a vela.
2) bombear agua mediante molinos de viento.
- Cambiarás el tipo de letra: Font: ARIAL BLACK
- Cambiarás el tamaño de letra: 16
- Utilizarás el TEXT Highlight COLOR: amarillo en las dos primeras oraciones.
- Utilizarás BOLD sobre la palabra energía eólica.
- Utilizarás ITALIC sobre la palabra : Se utiliza para:
- Utilizarás: UNDERLINE sobre el Calor es
- Cambiarás el color de letras en la cuarta oración.
- Añadirás Border en HOME :Borders and shading
- Grabar el texto en el fólder y USB
Hoja de cotejo:o Copié el texto del blog
o Cambié el tipo de letra a ARIAL BLACK.
o Cambié el tamaño de letra a 16.
o Utilicé el Highlight amarillo en las dos primeras oraciones.
o Utilicé BOLD sobre la palabra energía eólica.
o Apliqué ITALIC sobre: SE UTILIZA PARA:
o Apliqué UNDERLINE Subrayé el calor es
o Cambié el color de las letras de la cuarta oración.
o Añadí bordes al documento HOME –Borders and shading
o Grabé el document en el fólder y USB
Lectura - Energy Vampires or the Phantom Load Menace
Blow your mind. Energy gives us your spin.
The Houston Museum of Natural Science.
What are “energy vampires” or “phantom loads”? First, they are not the monsters hiding in the closet to drain your energy and make really cheesy movies.
Energy vampires are devices that use electricity when you think they are off. They are the cell phone and iPod chargers that are left plugged in, the computer that is left in sleep mode all day, or the TV that comes on instantly when you press the button on the remote. Electronics like this never really turn off. There is always some power going to them. This allows things like clocks on DVD players to still function while off, or for the TV to come on instantly with a remote control. Phantom load accounts for 64 million megawatts (or 64,000,000,000 kilowatt hours) of power and $4 billion a year in the United States.
To find out how much that means for you, we’ll have to do some more math!
Texas Average cost of electricity – in Houston it goes from $0.10 to $0.18 per kilowatt hour. So that makes an average of $0.14 per kilowatt hour.
Here are the two bits of math to keep in mind while we figure out how much phantom load we use and how much it costs.
1 kilowatt = 1,000 watts
1 kilowatt hour = $0.14
So how much phantom load do you have?
A cell phone charger uses 0.5 watts when it is just sitting there without a cell plugged in. That adds up to 0.012 kilowatt hours per day or $0.0017. For an entire month it uses 0.36 kilowatt-hours or $0.05 per month. Yearly it uses 4.32 kilowatt hours per year or $.60 per year.
That doesn’t sound so bad. Lets keep going.
An LCD TV of greater then 40 inches uses about 3 watts of power when it appears to be off, so the TV consumes 0.003 kilowatts per hour at a cost of $0.0042 per hour. For a day it uses 0.72 kilowatt hours or $0.10 every day. Per month it uses 2.16 kilowatt hours or $0.30 per month. Yearly it uses 25.92 kilowatt hours or $3.63 per year.
A computer uses 4 watts when it is off, 17 watts when it is asleep or 68 watts when it is on.
If you turn your computer off it is still taking in 0.004 kilowatts or costing you $0.00056 per hour which turns into 0.096 kilowatt hours a day or $0.01 every day. Over a month it uses 2.88 kilowatts hours or costs $0.40. In a year it will use 34.56 kilowatt hours or $4.83.
When you put the computer to sleep (lullaby little technology, go to sleep…) it still draws around 0.017 kilowatts per hour or $0.00238 per hour. That is 0.408 kilowatt hours each day or $.06 per day. Monthly that works out to 12.24 kilowatt hours or costs $1.71 per month. For an entire year that adds up to 146.88 kilowatt hours or $20.56 for a year.
If you’re like me and you leave your computer on all the time, it uses 0.068 kilowatts per hour, costing$0.01 per hour. Over one day it uses 1.632 kilowatts hours or $0.23 per day. If I left the computer on for a month it would use 48.96 kilowatt hours and cost $6.85. If I left it on for a whole year it would use 587.52 kilowatt hours and cost me $82.25.
After writing this blog I now turn my home computer off when I come to work.
A DVD player uses 1 watt while turned off or 0.001 kilowatt per hour and cost $0.00014 per hour so the DVD player uses 0.024 kilowatt hours a day and cost $0.00336 each day. Over a month it would use 0.72 kilowatt hours and cost $.10. Each year it would use 8.64 kilowatt hours and cost $1.21.
A Playstation 3 uses 1.5 watts per hour when it is off, so that’s 0.0015 kilowatts per hour and $0.00021. Each day that’s 0.036 kilowatt hours or $0.0054. Over a month it uses 1.08 kilowatt hours and costs $.15 per month. Yearly it uses 12.96 kilowatt hours and cost $1.81 per year.
A coffee maker uses 1.14 watts per hour while it is off. (This would be a coffee maker with a clock in it, or maybe a clock with an alarm that can be set to make coffee at a certain time). So the coffee maker would use .00114 kilowatts per hour and cost $0.0001596. Every day it would use 0.02736 kilowatts hours costing $.003804. Over a month it would use 0.8208 kilowatts hours and cost $0.11. Over a year, that’s 9.8496 kilowatt hours and $1.37.
That may all be small change, but it can add up. If you have a coffee maker, two cell phone chargers, a Playstation 3, three computers, a DVD player, and a LCD TV, then you spend about $2 a month just having stuff plugged in. (Note: I have not factored in monitors for computers, printers, microwaves, refrigerators, etc.)
So watts the answer? Should everything be unplugged when you’re not using it? The answer to that is probably not. Some things like smoke or carbon monoxide detectors should be left plugged in. Most people won’t want to spend the time plugging in and unplugging the TV to save a few dollars. But if you have a second TV that is not used very often, then it could be unplugged. Or if you don’t want to spend the time unplugging each cell phone charger, you could put them all on one power strip and turn the power strip off when you’re not charging. Now you can even get power strips that turn themselves off when they’re not in use. Mostly, it’s just being aware of your power usage. If you know that, you can make informed decisions.
5to y 6to -Crear un placemat- Tema ahorro de energía.Ciclo 4
La lectura estará en este blog.
What is energy?
Energy is many things.
Energy is light. Energy is heat.
Energy makes things move and grow.
Energy runs machines.
Energy is the power to change things.
Energy is the ability to do work.
Light is energy.
We use light to see.
During the day, much of our light comes from the sun.
At night, we turn on lights powered by electricity.
We can also burn candles.
Flashlights use the energy in batteries to make light.
Can you think of another way to make light?
Heat is energy.
We use energy to make heat.
We burn fuel to cook our food. The food
we eat helps our bodies stay warm.
When it is cold, we use energy to heat our
homes. Campfires make heat, too.
Factories burn fuel to make products.
Power plants burn coal to make electricity.
Have you ever cooked food on a campfire?
Energy makes things grow.
All living things need energy to grow.
Plants use light from the sun to grow. Plants change the sun’s light energy into sugars.
Plants use some of the sugars to grow. They store some of the sugars in their fruits,
leaves, stems, and roots. Plant sugars are full of energy.
Unlike plants, animals can’t change light energy into sugars. Neither can people.
We eat plants like corn and use the energy stored in them to grow and do work. What plants do
you like to eat?
Energy makes things move.
Look around you. Many things are moving.
We say they are in motion. Clouds drift across the sky.
Leaves fall from trees. Birds fly. Plants grow and so do you.
The earth moves. The air moves. Water moves. All living things move, too.
What things do you see moving right now?
Motion takes energy.
Nothing moves unless it has energy. Cars get their energy from gasoline. Clouds move because of wind energy. Wind gets its energy from the sun. Plants and animals get their energy from the sun, too.
Water moves from high places to low places, pulled by the force of gravity.
Gravity is the natural force of attraction between all objects in the universe.
5to y 6to -Ciclo ?
El formato del correo debe ser:
subject: nombre del estudiante
escribirán que aceptan que su hijo(a) puedan tener un blog para guardar los trabajos de la clase de coputadora.
Nombre y apellido del padre o encargado y correo electrónico.
viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009
Sites para practicar teclado
Cuarto grado: objetivo 20 palabras por minuto sin errores.
- Finger Chart
- Cool Practice
- Typin Games 2 help you
- Dance Mat Typing
- Keyboard challenge
- Ballon Blast Typing
- Keyboarding P
- Typing Games for downloading-
- Mr Kent Typing
- Keyboard Practice
- Touch Typing Practice
Listado de signos más comunes-Utiliza tecla ALT y números correspondientes
Alt + 165 = Ñ
Alt + 0211=Ó
Alt + 130= é
Alt + 168 = ¿
Alt + 154 = Ü
Alt + 161 = í
Alt + 173 = ¡
Alt + 0218 = Ú
Alt + 162= ó
Alt + 155 = ¢
Alt + 171 = ½
Alt+ 163= ú
Alt + 0193= Á
Alt + 172 =¼
Alt + 164 = ñ
Alt + 144 = É
Alt + 129 = ü
Alt + 0205 = Í
viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009
5to y 6to grado
Me gustaría que los estudiantes de 5to y 6to crearan su portafolio en un blog. Al decir un portafolio es crear un espacio que les permitieran guardar y tener acceso a sus trabajos realizados en la clase de computadoraa en cualquier momento. Para crear el espacio los estudiantes necesitan un e mail. Me gustaria saber que padres están de acuerdo o no.
Me podrían escribir a Necesito recibir su respuesta como evidencia del permiso. De no recibir la mayoría se cancela la actividad y clase del tema del Blog.
Gracias por su atención.
Mayra Soto
jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009
Read about Biodiversity
Biological Diversity is the difference between all living things on Earth.
Look around you at the natural world; you will find that very few things are EXACTLY alike.
Take for example the species Homo sapiens, the scientific name for human beings — Look around at your family, your friends, your teachers, and your neighbors. Are any of them the same? No, they aren't.
We are different from whales, camels, monkeys, and other animals but we are also different from each other.
Another thing that is diverse (or different) in the natural world, is the way different animals and plants work with their surroundings. Biodiversity is also the difference in ECOSYSTEMS. Ecosystems are like nature families. In each ecosystem, plants and animals depend on the weather, the type of earth, the amount of water and on other living things around them. They need each other to survive.
More information:
sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009
Microsoft Word 2007 Ciclo 2 FEFO
- Seleccionarás el texto de FEFO (ennegreciendo todo el texto) Botón del mouse de la izquierda.
- Seleccionarás Copy botón de la derecha.
- Abrirás Microsoft Word 2007-START/ Microsoft Word 2007
- Sobre el papel, presionando el botón de la derecha: PASTE
- Recuerda que puedes ver ambas páginas una al lado de la otra.
- Me ubico en el TASKBAR (area negra en la parte inferior del desktop) y con el botón de la derecha selecciono SHOW WINDOWS SIDE BY SIDE.
Texto: Fefo
•Había una vez un conejo llamado Fefo. Se creía muy astuto. Siempre quería dominar a sus amigos. Cuando se molestaba con uno de ellos ponía sus esfuerzos para crear rencillas en el grupo. Insistía a sus amigos que no se reunieran ni hablaran con Pepo amigo que rechazaba, simplemente porque era inteligente, responsable, creativo y sincero. Su afán por dominar era tanto que no se daba cuenta que se quedaba sin amigos. Pensaba constantemente en cómo molestar e intimidar al que no le caía bien. Una noche en su cuarto vio una luz blanca. Era la luna resplandeciente. Era Luna llena. De momento frente a la luna se apareció una sombra. Fefo se asustó. Oyó un susurro…”Si sigues portándote mal con tus amigos recibirás una reprimenda que te hará llorar por meses.
Justify -
Font Type
Font Color
Styles - Titles Font Size
Border -Borders and Shading-Page Border- Art
synonyms (right click)
For more information :
En español:
Avalúo: Reflexión y Producto
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- Aburrido (a)
- Tranquilo (a)
- Preocupado (a)
- Indiferente
- Confundido (a)