
miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Poems to Winter by my students....

Caught in a crab line with three months of age

A fisherman found you brought you to C.M.A

You had no tail so you were trained and tested

At the end you were good and well rested.

You are now famous from winter to fall
Cause you are an inspiration to all.
by: Roland

Winter, you were a baby when you were found. You were the most beautiful baby on Earth.  You didn’t have a tail but you had a heart as big as the world.  Now, you have grown a lot, and you are an inspiration to all.
by: Lucas

viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

How to use Google Scholar

20 cosas sobre mí-ejemplo para Cuarto Grado

El estudiante tomará 20 fotos digitales sobre cosas que representen sus gustos, predilecciones, etc. El objetivo es conocer un poco más al compañero y estudiante mediante el uso del programa de Microsoft PhotoStory. EL TRABAJO SE REALIZARA EN LA CLASE.