
sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Winter: Dolphin Story

1. Maybe you saw the Dolphin Tale movie, maybe you never saw the site of Winter's Home: CLEARWATER MARINE AQUARIUM.. I saw the movie last night and I decide that the next class is about marine life. You can visit the site of the home of Winter and read about it. They offer information about other marine animals. You can choose the content of your next Computer Class Work using the site of CWA. 2. You are going to learn how to make and design a brochure with Microsoft Publisher 2010. In the first class we are going to see the site and discuss the possible themes and how you can impact other students in the school. You are going to learn about marine animals and how important is water, maintain clean water at the beach, how marine animals can be affect with the marine pollution, caused by human beings, etc. You are going to be an Investigator. The link of Clearwater Marine Aquarium is:

lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Bienvenidos a nuestro segundo semestre 2012

Cuarto Grado:

Documental March of Penguin
  • Presentación en PowerPoint
Quinto y Sexto Grado:

  • Microsoft Photo Story 3 " 20 cosas sobre mi"
  • Microsoft Publisher
Lecturas sobre los diseños de parchos de NASA